Under the Destination tab, choose your Eclipse installation directory, or host repository ( if available). 在Destination选项卡下,选择Eclipse安装目录,或托管存储库(如果可用)。
The destination system must have at least an equal amount of processors and memory available ( as dictated by the active partition profile) as the host mobile partition. 目标系统必须与主机迁移分区具有相同数量的内存和处理器(在活动分区配置文件已经指定)。
A socket operation failed because the destination host was down. 由于目标主机坏了,套接字操作失败。
The destination is specified by the host name and port number. 目标由主机名和端口号指定。
The destination network or destination host. 目标网络或目标主机。
At the destination host, the packet is passed up to UDP and delivered to the destination port. 在目标主机,数据包被传递至UDP协议程序并送到目的地端口。
Inside of the firewall the only permit destination for traffic from the interior or exterior route is the bastion host 在防火墙内部,对于来自内外部路由器的通信量来说,唯一允许到达的目的地是bastion主机
Shortly after arriving at our destination, my friend James and I met our host family for the first time. 达到目的地没多久,我和我的朋友詹姆士就第一次见到了接待我们的人家。
If the destination IP address is identified as a remote address, IP checks the local routing table for a route to the remote host. 如果目标IP地址被识别为远程地址,IP协议就检察本地的路径安排表,找出一条通往远方主机的路径。
If the destination IP address is identified as a local address, IP transmits the packet directly to that host. 如果目标IP地址被识别为本地地址,IP协议就直接把这个数据包送到本地网的那台主机。
· ICMP Messages are also used to gain the type of operating system of destination host. ·利用ICMP消息,获取对方目标节点使用的操作系统类型;
Stream filter technology recombines key datagrams which belong to the same session and filter the data after recombination with BM algorithm. If the data is illegal, it will be dealt with according to rule, or it will be sent to destination host. 流过滤技术将属于同一会话的关键报文重组,对重组后的数据使用BM算法进行过滤,非法数据根据规则作相应处理,合法数据发送给目的主机。
The function of router is to send the packets exactly from the source host to the destination host with the methods such as flow classification, congestion control and so on to keep the transmission fast and efficient. 路由器的功能是将报文准确无误的从源主机传送到目的主机去,同时采用流分类、拥塞控制等方法保证传送的快捷、高效。
This paper introduces a network-manage system to avoid IP address embezzlement, which is designed basing on ARP-MASQ techology. The system will separate destination host from the network via broadcasting a fake ARP-Reply frame, which is filled by the bost's IP and a FAKE MAC address. 本文介绍了利用ARP-MASQ技术设计的IP地址防盗网络管理系统,该系统通过伪装目标主机的IP和MAC地址,广播伪装后的ARP-Reply分组,实现隔离目标主机,以避免IP地址盗用。
Multicast is a communication approach on one source node sending the same message to multiple destination nodes. IP multicast technology decreases link bandwidth overhead, network resource consumption and source host burden. 组播是一个源节点将同一信息传送到多个目的节点的通信方式,IP组播技术减少了网络不必要的带宽开销、网络资源的消耗以及大大减轻了源主机的负担。
Following the development of information society, users have more and more requirement for the transmission of their data. It is hoped that users 'network data can be transmitted to the destination host safely and integrity. 随着信息社会的发展,用户对数据传输的要求越来越高,希望数据能够在传输过程中安全完整的到达目的端。
After discovering the abnormal data, algorithm can determine the attackers and destination host according to the improved KCP algorithm. 同时在发现异常数据后,能够根据改进的KCP算法确定攻击源和目的主机。